
What do you want for Christmas???

by  |  earlier

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I just want to see what ppl want for Christmas. I want a Juicy charm bracelet. What do U want? I'll choose best answer.




  1. Deep tissue massage, travel narratives,  

  2. World peace. . .

    Okay things that are practical.

    Brand new make-up from coastal scents

    lots of leg warmers C:

    And the twilight saga guide  

  3. well,i want a red dress with white stones everywhere that i can wear during Christmas eve.. i love your choice a juicy charm bracelet, that's  so cute....well hope you'll get yours and me too..

    Good LUck!!

  4. Well honestly I have to say it really doesn't matter as long as I am able and bless to spend the holidays with friends and family that's good enough for me. Materialistic things are not what defines the holidays it spending time with loved ones and carrying that memory with you through out your life until the next holiday comes along to add to your collection of memories :O). When you get old material things either rot or fade away but those memories with your family will always feel like it was yesterday.  

  5. I got my gift a week before Christmas last year. No more cancer. So health is what I want.

  6. i want wii fit thats funn

  7. my two front teeth...

  8. HIM & my chemical romance stuff =D

  9. i want a coach purse...the most expensive and cute one!! lol!  

  10. a new laptop

  11. For the first time ever, I haven't a clue what I want! I always get loads of stuff from 'santy' lol because i ask for loads of stuff and i always get surprises...but i really dont no wat i want!

    and its freakin me out! lol im 14...

    i basically have most things that i want or will ever use....

    im happy with stuff i've got...give me some ideas! lol

    i might get a laptop....i dunno realy!


  12. I'm hoping for an engagement ring.  I don't know if that will happen quite yet, but I've got my fingers crossed! :)

    I want a puppy, but I know I won't get one because the lease says I can't have one.  :(  Stoopid landlord...

    There isn't a lot of stuff that I want.  I always love me some shoes.  A nice vacation with my honey would be great.  Maybe I'll find a plane ticket under the tree this year.  

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