
What do you wish for????

by  |  earlier

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  1. if i had to wish i would choose world peace!!!

    well i loved answering this question thank you!!!

  2. I wish that my wishes could actually be granted.

  3. i wish i can get ride of my shyness there is nothing more bothering me than that espeacialy when i see girls in my age having fun and i am stuck cuz i am shy  

  4. Love... the kind that sticks around

  5. Happy family and financial stability

  6. Enough money to be totally independent of everyone and everything. Freedom to travel until I die.

  7. Happiness, fulfillment, money, friends, to travel, to enjoy life.

  8. I wish for complete happiness for the world and happiness for everyone and that people would get to know the Lord and our Savior as they should.  I wish for help from the Lord as I am disabled and wish and am thankful for the fact that I am alive and the Lord is here with me helping me as much as possible.  So I keep on wishing.

  9. You talking like a wishbone wish?

    That is usually something like "I wish my hubbys cold would go away and he will feel better." or "I wish the weather would be nice tommorrow."

    Three wishes from a genie?

    1.Always have enough money to live comfortably, and start scholarship funds.

    2.To be completely healthy, me and my family.

    3.That all weapons on earth would vanish.

    My ultimate wishes?

    World peace.

    Fresh air, water, healthy environment.

    A world without pain and sickness or violence.

  10. I wish for a life where I can watch my children grow and be happy.  Where I have love and companionship, compassion and a caring person to spend the rest of it with.  Health and prosperity.  

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