
What does 86400 mean in physics?

by  |  earlier

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one of the guys at my work quoted this number to me (86400) and told me that if I could work out what it means/represents or whatever he'd give me ten bucks. I'm just not allowed to ask anyone else at work.

please help?

also I work in a IT company and he used the number when setting up DNS... could it possibly have a different meaning in this context?




  1. there are 86,400 seconds in 24 hours

  2.                        1 hr          3600 seconds

                          24  hr           x

    x=24(3600)=86400 seconds.

  3.   It is the number of seconds in one day.

      Do you think he could get me a job?

  4. there are 86,400 seconds in a day

    in IT, TTL (time to live) is usually set to 86400 (1 day).  Thats how long before transmissions can be discarded.

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