
What does BAMF stand for?

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what is BAMF everyone knows what it means like except me.




  1. Bad A** mother F*****  its from dane cook

  2. *BAMF Bad *** m**o

    BAMF Biomass and Methane Fuels

    BAMF Brothers Associated Moving Forward

    BAMF Builders' Association of Metropolitan Flint (Flint, Michigan)

  3. Bad @$$ mother Fu*ker

  4. Lol. This will be a hard best answer to pick considering everyone is correct. BAMF does stand for Bad As$ Mother Fuck3r.

  5. BAD *** M+THER F*CKER

    If you want to look it up it comes from Dane Cooks comedy, its on the retalitation cd I believe.


  7. bad a$$ mother f**ker

  8. Bad a$$ mother F*****

  9. B@[) @$$ /\/\0TH3R F**K3R

  10. Bad *** mother effer.

  11. yupp. it means bad a** mother fuc***

  12. Bad a** mother f***er

    Dane Cook is responsible for publicizing this initial

  13. bad a s s mother f*****k e r

  14. Bad A$$ Mother Effer DUH!!!

  15. bad *** mother ******.

  16. I guess the first 5 are right. Now that you (and I) learned it, don't use it.

    Drampire might be right on other possibilities.

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