
What does Back labour feel like?

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33 weeks and just wandering.




  1. mine was a posterior birth and the back pain was amazing to say the least. hot packs help and also a very hot shower stream on the lower back. having a midwife who is hands on also helps as they can guide you through pain relief techniques that definately work. the pain goes away with relaxation. dont fear the process, the more you tense up the worse it is. i had no pain once i was guided by a very experienced midwife.

  2. With me, it started out like a bad backache. I felt like if I could just walk around it would go away, but of course it didn't and it just got worse. It took me at least a couple hours to realize the back pain was actually labor starting. By the time I had progressed enough to get an epidural, I thought my back was pulling apart. I was in tears with every contraction. All my focus was on my back, I don't even remember any pain anywhere else. I am just so thankful for the epidural. After I got it, it was so much better. The rest of the labor and birth was smooth sailing, lol.

  3. for me it felt like someone was squeezing my back to half it's normal size while repeatedly punching it! I found leaning forwards on my husband/bed was a great help. laying on my back made it worse

  4. It's all the labor pains concentrated towards your back rather then spread throughout your abdomen. Lots of pressure and pain pushing against your back. Much worse then regular labor in my case but then it was twins helped a lot when my hubby pushed really hard against my back with his hands.

  5. For me all the pain was in my back it was the worst pain. Pressure on my back took some of it away. Back labor is usually when your baby is facing the wrong way (up instead of down)

  6. I had back labor with my 1st and all I can say how to describe it is like having 2000 lb person sitting on my back . For me it was very painful - not to scare you :(.  

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