
What does God look like?

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  1. i think what if it might be a girl.  not sure just thinking. maybe not.  what do you think.  the voices in my head are still out to lunch or maybe dinner on some island somewhere. but maybe not

  2. I think he was on South Park once.  Go back and watch that episode.  I do however know what the Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster looks like and the FSM is AWESOME!!!!!

  3. gods face in a blooming flowing,

    gods face in a setting sunset.

    hes everywhere

  4. A grey haired bodybuilder.

  5. I don't know. No one has ever seen Him. God did appear to the Israelites as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21) though.

  6. There is no face of God. He is everywhere. You can see it in a human being, in a plant, in an animal, in a rock, in stars, in the universe.

    Love all. you will love God. He is omnipresent, self existent. You can say that he is a man or woman.  

  7. God is formless

    Form follows thought..Gautama Buddha

  8. I use to believe in God but now I don't, how can we believe in something that we have no physical proof that it is even real!!

    P.S God is a girl! ROFL!

  9. Last time I checked God was a woman and she gave birth to nature itself and blesses the land with her heart.

    Search for Gaia, because God is actually a goddess.

  10. As calin was implying - he's black (the backdrop in the universe, which many term "sky")


  11. Zeus.

    (Seriously, artistic representations of the Christian god look exactly like Zeus.)


  13. God is a word, an unspoken word.

    God is the word which pronounces itself.

    God is spoken and unspoken.

    God is not naught.

    God was before naught.

    God has no before and no after: naught has a sequel, its sequel is aught.

    God is not being nor yet goodness.

    There is no knowing what God is.

    Something we do know, namely,what God is not.

    In God is no good nor better nor best.

    Meister Eckhart

    God love you.

  14. 1. looks like nothing at all. really.

    2. never-existed

    3. No proof of his existence.

    4. Thin air.

    5. I think by sending people to h**l, hmmm looks like a.... tyrant who holds lightning bolts to strike on people.

    6. invisible yet non-existent.

  15. He's invisible

    He also doesn't exist

  16. Oh my gosh, how can you people say that there is no proof that God exists?

    Alright, so this entire world, the incredible creatures that inhabit it, the human body, the circle of life and every other incredibly complex thing in this universe just HAPPENED to appear on it's own?

    Personally, I believe in God. God is a light that has been bestowed upon humanity. He has created this entire world, and everything in it.

    Take a look around you and see for yourself. If you still can't say that God exists, get an eye exam.

    Oh, and don't tell me im a terrorist because I'm a muslim. 911 was a bunch of idiots twisting God's word into a terrifying crime. Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion. Terrorists are just sick in the head.

  17. Here's a picture.

  18. after death we meet God if we r good

    if we r bad , we go to h**l without looking at His face

    no one knows how He looks like

    thats y we have religions

    so we believe in Him then get rewarded if we follow Him on earth b4 death.

  19. Paul Tillich, THE theologian of the last century would answer that "god is not a being, god is being itself".

    A scientist might say god is the wonder of DNA or the beauty of evolution.

    And those who aren't religious in organizations would say that god is in all of us....

    in the smile of a mother as she looks as her new baby,

    in the beauty of wildflowers in a breeze, and for sure

    in the hand of a surgeon as he cuts to cure, or

    in the hand of a painter who when you look at his creation changes you..

    god is the energy of a foal and he runs beside his mother,  god, hon, is everywhere...

    That, hon, I think is god...  Sky daddy?  oh, no.  Too little an idea for god.  

  20. Morgan Freeman

  21. His a spirit right,

    so whatevr you want him to look like,

    depends on what you also believe


  23. I would have to say... your mom, so by all means go look at her and you have your God.

  24. No body know what god looks like until you die many people don't even think  he exists but i believe one day you will know if you are a good person.  

  25. He looks nonexistent.  

  26. since we are all supposed to be made in gods image, I would assume of all faces and at the same time none.

  27. Elvis Presley

  28. Sum up everything.

    Everything on earth plus everything in the Universe.

    He looks like that.

    Everything resembles Him because he contained them all.

    And everything was in Him as a form of Thought before they were created.

    He used his appearance when He created.

    Only He is in form of energy rather than matter..

    ( I am talking about God, not about Jesus)

  29. It's natural for people to question things like this but no one on earth can really tell you for sure (unless God has given them a vision of heaven). If you are a Christian then you won't have to worry because someday when you go to heaven you will find the answers to any question that you have ever or will ever have. hope that helps!

  30. God doth be a immeasurbly bright white light. While Satan doth be a Dark one...

  31. We know that man was created in his image.  I use the term "his" loosely since it actually says our image.  I suggest that this has reference to male and female bodies and thus the term "our".  

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