
What does Spain mean to you?

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As a Spanish guy i wonder, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Spain? Soccer, basketball, beautiful beaches, paella, Alejandro Amenábar , Barcelona or another specific city, or something else? Please give the name of just one thing but you can shortly explain why this is so?




  1. my holidays,,, i love spain ,, the spanish people and the spanish food,, been spain and the canaries for the last 23 years

  2. My family are there and Im in the UK at present. I miss them alot. Mi nieta mas que nada.

    I am returning in April, thank goodness.

  3. Decadence.....  demographic winter, demographic holocaust, one of the most unaffordable housing markets in the world,

    educated and skilled young people can't make end meets.

    they spaniards have a fixation with owning a flat  is so deep in their's hilarious to me...

    unhappy one thousand euro earners  , wistful mileurista

    the atheism among youth is widespread..

    it's an ageing country, almost a dying country due to low fertility rate.....among the lowest in the world.....

  4. Hello

    i know my answer probably is not the same as every ones normal answers - sun, sea, sangria but the first thing that comes to mind when i think of Spain is HOME, this is now where i live and i love it here Spain, is where my life is now friends, family, boyfriend.

    The people - always happy to help if you try talking in Spanish .

    Food - Amazing, except the sheep's head my boyfriends nan tried to give me.

    Weather - sun

    Oh and i can not forget the SHOES, i love the shoes ha ha ha.

    And who can forget the wine thats good as well.

    I hope this helps

  5. sun, sangria, paella, moorish architecture, lovely sounding language, el generalissimo, ETA, catalunya, the alhambra, gypsies in caves outside seville............

  6. Gypsies, bull-fighting, dancing horses, "Bruja Lola", terrorists, African islands.

  7. For me, a United Statesen, Spain means true freedom; freedom to be where I want to be, eat the food I want to eat, drink what I want to drink, and walk under the clear blue sunny skies (nearly) everyday. (although we certainly, desperately need the rain!!)

    For me, it's not about sports or beaches or even famous Spanish directors. I feel more like my true self in Spain than anywhere else in the world. No way I'm leaving this wonderful country.

    Saludos, BarcelonaMan(.com)

  8. Relaxation - because the beaches are fab, the people lovely, the sun warm ...

  9. mostly...really nice, warm people

  10. sun sea sand and s*x.i know you said one thing but these all go hand in hand like sock on a foot lol

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