
What does Triennial Review mean?

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it's in referrence to a reevaluation report




  1. If a child is recieveing special ed services, the school is suppose to give the child a full educational evaluation every 3 years from the date of qualifying for special ed.

    THe review is a formal IEP meeting to go over results of the evaluation to see how the child is progressing/regressing, and to make changes to the IEP plan if the child is not progressing.

    If the parent does not agree with the results of this evaluation the parent can write and request an 'independent educational evaluation by public expense'.

    This is another eval that the school will pay for to be done by a doctor YOU choose.

    THis eval will be used to determine progress, services, etc.

    All this is suppose to  be done even if it's already been done with the schools evaluation.

  2. It is a process that is completed every 3 years to determine if a child is still eligible for special education services.

  3. triennial means taking place every third year.

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