
What does a Tornado Warning mean?

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Ok I'm new to the whole tornado thing (we've just moved here from the U.K), and there are sirens that have just gone off. Does this mean a tornado will definitely hit?




  1. It means either a tornado is coming/here or they're testing if ones coming. I think they do one the first of every month..but im  not sure.

  2. a tornado watch means conditions are good for a tornado to form.  a warning means one has formed and has been sighted.  if you hear the siren, find a room with no outside walls, like a closet or bathroom.  you should collect nonperishable foods and water in containers, just in case.  one of your neighbors can help you with all of this.

  3. theres a possibility

  4. jit means there is a slight possibility. if there is a siren then, go in a closet or bathroom. something with no windows.

  5. Warning means one has been means conditions are right for one to form

  6. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been spotted in the area and that there is potential for others to form. A tornado watch just means that a storm has potential to , or already has produced tornadoes in other areas.

    Yesterday morning in Northern Kansas they sounded the tornado sirens as a warning of a dangerous hail storm, they will sound those warnings when people need to stay inside and away from windows, or once a month during good conditions to make sure they are working. Anytime (other than when it is obviously a test) get to a room with no exterior walls like a closet or bathroom, or get as low in the house as you can like a basement or cellar.

    To keep up with the weather and get current satellite images and warnings,  or

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