
What does a city comissioner do?

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I was assigned a project for my history class and I was assigned someone on the City council to research. Their title is a commisioner for the disntrict that they cover. What exactly do they do?

And uhh... Can you describe this in a way an 8th grader might understand


Thank youu.




  1. You didn't mention what city or state you live in. A city commissioner means different things in various cities. It may be that your city council is the governing body for your city, and the members of the council are called "commissioners", and serve from different geographic districts within the city.

    In other cities (such as mine in California), a commissioner may be an appointed position, chosen by the mayor or city council, to deal with various municipal departments, such as Planning commission, Civil Service commission, Police commission, Fire commission, Transit commission, Arts commission, Youth athletics,  and so forth.

  2. Commissioners supervise a variety of municipal services. Pick up the phone between 9:00 and 5:00 tomorrow, call the office of the City councilman whom you got assigned and ASK.

    Best to go straight to the horse's mouth. The office should be very helpful - they love answering questions from young people.

  3. Commisioner oversees the daily activities of the public servants rendering services such as public health, maintenance of roads and other governmental functions.

  4. they dont do much, but make life harder for the working man.

  5. It depends on whether the City uses the weak mayor system, or the strong mayor system. Do some history research on the Galveston hurricane of 1900. The hurricane was so destructive to Galveston Texas that it changed their entire city government format. Under a strong mayor system, the city council just basically passes laws and does "political" stuff. Under a "weak mayor" system, the mayor is just one of the commissioners who is elected by the rest of the commission to help run the city, and various commissioners may be appointed to directly work with department heads to help run various city departments (public works, police, streets, etc). I am not sure what Orlando uses, but I think they elect their mayor, so this would be a "strong mayor" system, as the mayor is a position apart from the city commission. But you need to talk to them and find out, or check out orlando's website.

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