
What does a c**k ring do????!!!!?

by Guest33763  |  earlier

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i know wut it is, but wut does it do, wuts the point of putting one on??

also i heard g**s usually use it more than straight guys, is that true? (im straight btw)

just wondering




  1. i use one, makes me bigger and harder

  2. chokes the chicken until it explodes

  3. to keep a ***** longer

  4. c**k rings keep more blood in the genitals and can help prolong an erection. some guys like to wear them all the time because they push your junk up and out in your pants. that might be the g*y angle your thinking about. anyway, finding an actual ring that fits comfortably is a big task, i think i got at least 15 of them before getting the right fit. you can get snap on leather ones too. if you want to try out what one will do you can tie your junk up with a leather shoelace and get the same effect.

  5. it vibrates ur p***s & massages

    but i have a question about a guy & it'd be awesome if u could help me out :;...

  6. Helps an older guy to maintain an erection.  You are much too young to worry about that at your age.

    Relax and don't worry about trying out s*x toys.

  7. keep the erection longer, by keeping the blood in the p***s there longer.

    most people who have them: are straight couples who are between 50+

  8. For a future p**n Star - you don't know much !!

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