
What does a gun smell like?

by Guest33968  |  earlier

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I've decided to arm one of my characters with one of these pretty little derringers, and I'm just curious, once it is unhostered for the first time what would it smell like?

you can assume that its been fired and its old.

would it be a metallic smell or oily or smell like fired gunpowder (which, how the heck does that smell?) can you by any chance, not only answer this odd question, but relate it to someone who's great gun firing experience was one day of qualifying 12 years ago at boot camp?





  1. like well-forged death!!!!

  2. It would probably smell like cosmoline. Think back to any old guns you have touched. Remember the smell on your hands? Think of that.

  3. Mine smell like WD-40.

    Smells nice.

    If your story is set in the past, likely it would smell like sewing machine oil. When the Winchester derringer was produced, it used black powder loaded cartridges. If the residue from firing these was not cleaned out the interior of the barrel would rust. Thus such guns were cleaned after use, and given a coat of light oil, often 3-in-1 sewing machine oil.

  4. I don't think smell is one of the sensations a person experiences when handling an old firearm. At least it isnt for me.

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