
What does a rat need?

by Guest45389  |  earlier

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2. can i play with both my rats at once

3. what do they need eg. cage etc




  1. Okay. You need:

    A hard plastic or metal Cage, the wire frame can't be too wide apart because rats can squeeze out the smallest of places. They can also chew through anything so you have to have a hard plastic or metal cage, with a lid on it, because they can also jump pretty high too.

    Cages are around $50.

    A small drink bottle or a couple of ceramic dishes for water and food, something they wont knock over, chew or pee in. Around $10.

    Cat Litter (WITHOUT AMMONIA IN IT) to put on the bottom of the cage to absorb poos and wees. Cat litter is the best, because it absorbs the smell. Some people use Shredded paper or saw dust, but after a day it smells strongly of rat pee.

    $5 for a bag, last you maybe 1 week.

    A rat house, something for him to hide and sleep in that he will not chew. You can fill it with shredded paper to keep him warm.


    You can also add tunnels for your rat to run in and a running wheel. But don't leave the running wheel in there all the time because they can get too addicted to it.

    Food. A Cereal grain mix which is available from the pet shop. DO NOT FEED THEM CHEESE. It makes them very sick. Also no bread or milk.

    $2 to $3.

    That's it. I think it will cost you about $100 for a complete rat set up.

    It cost about $5 a week to look after them, cheap as.

    I wouldn't recommand putting to adult rats together. If it is too males they will fight to the death. If it is a male and a female, they will have lots of babies.

  2. 1 maybe around 50 ish if u want an ok cage

    2.if u bought them both together or they might fight

    3cage, food, water bottle, food tray and last but not least love.

    p.s they really smell i recommend you to get a hamster or gerbil. and rat cost like 3 dollar for the small ones and hmm idk about the big one. also a wheel for the big ones.

  3. cage, water bottle, usually the cage comes with the food dishes, then get like bedding and rat food which is usually gerbal food. and also give the two rats one snack per day and let them excercise and run around in your room for like one hour a day. the snack and excercise will make the rats happier so they won't fight. its also good to bathe them like once a month but don't get water in their ears just bathe them with some mild pet shampoo and rinse them off so they don't smell like p**s all the time. i think that's it have fun. oh ya after you buy the cage you only have to buy food and bedding like once a month and that comes to like $10 or so. the cost of the cage depends on the size i reccomend getting the biggest one you can afford and with an excersize wheel.

    p.s. if your rat happens to get a respitory infection you will notice the breathing isn't right and all you do is buy fish medicine tablets and put it in their water but make sure its not too diluted just fill half the water bottle with one tablet for like one week then go back to just plain old water. also if one rat has it and one doesn't the medicine still will not hurt the other rat but i always had a small cage if one was sick that i called the sick cage when they needed a tablet to get rid of the respitory infection. the only one that got it several times was an albino rat i had. the two hoodies i had never had any health problems.

  4. 1. Depends on where you shop, 50+

    2. If your rats were raised together and have been around each a long time, than yes they should do well together, rats are social animals and love company, I'd recommend 2 females if you don't want babies, 2 males might fight.

    3. Lots of room to run around and play, rats LOVE to climb. Something for them to sleep under, like a little house or hut :P. Water bottle, food dish, chew sticks, treats or toys to your liking.


    Rats don't smell if you keep them clean and don't use aspen or cedar bedding, use carefresh bedding or something like it, aspen and cedar cause upper respitory infections.


  5. 1. Depends

    2. Yes you may.

    3. Glad you're getting not a rat, but ratS! They need a large, roomy cage, a good diet (do a Google on Suebee's Rat Food), money set aside for vet bills if needed; they are prone to tumours and respiratory infections. CareFresh or something similar for their bedding; pine and cedar causes health problems with them.
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