
What does an IP address identify?

by  |  earlier

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Does an IP address only track an internet line, or does it show a computer used? For instance, if I move and switch ISP, would I maintain the same IP address? Or if the IP address were different, would it display the same PC is being used under a different IP or does it not track PCs at all?




  1. An IP Addy is a code thats generated when you install your operating system...if you visit a website it tells them the following information:

    1. Computer Name

    2. City & Nationality

    3. Location

    4. And service provider.

    5. Operating system being used even sp installed

    6....just for the record...anything they wanna know.if your logged on that site.

  2. Actually an IP address is a TEMPORARY address assigned to your computer to make it unique for the the time you are connected to the Internet Universe so that the data that is required by you is routed to you correctly. Like a postal address.

    It is usually assigned by your ISP everytime you connect to the Internet. So when you disconnect and reconnect, you'll receive a NEW IP address, one that is available and randomly selected by your ISP from the set of IP addresses allotted to it.

    Here in India, I'm using BSNL DataOne Connection and I always get an IP address in the range of to BSNL bought the IP addresses from to from W3C.

    But sometimes the IP addresses come fixed in hardware but that is for BIG organizations only.

    So if you do some cyber crime with your current IP address and you disconnect and reconnect, don't think that you won't be caught, because your ISP will record which user was assigned that particular IP address at that particular time, and you can be pin pointed

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