
What does chicken pox look like? ?

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I have an 11 month old and over the weekend she ran a high fever....around 102.1. Thinking that it was just her teeth we didn't call the dr. Her fever finally broke around 6:30 Sunday morning and she hasn't had one since. This afternoon I noticed little red bumps all over her legs. Some are just still red but some look like a little pimple with a white center. I have called the Dr. and I'm waiting on a phone call back.




  1. no, that's not chicken pox.

    chicken pox are fairly small red dots and they completely cover the body.  there are not raised and do not have a white center either

    they also are very itchy and last a few days, not just a night

  2. Well, that is pretty much what they look like!  However, they usually start on the chest/abdomen and spread.

      They start out looking like  bumpy bug bites and then get a small pus filled a blister...they are very itchy.  After a while you will see some just starting to look red, some already blistered and some starting to scab over.

      I am glad you called the Doctor, Chickenpox is usually mild but CAN be serious in babies under a year old - if your Doctor doesn't call you back soon call again just to be on the safe side.

      And there are other rashes and such babies can get - a Doctor can differentiate

      Also, IF it is chickenpox, she has been contagious so you need to let anyone in contact with her know, especially grandparents or older adults as they can get shingles from her.

      Best wishes -

    PS  For future reference Teething does not cause fevers : Check out this info from San Diego Children's Hospital

  3. google an image

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