
What does dreaming of pregnancy mean?

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I dreamed a fortune teller told my newly married step daughter she was 6 weeks pregnant with a boy during a reading that took place with my husband lying face down on the table with his arms spread wide.




  1. you may have a bun in the oven....or were impregnated by an alien race...or you are the devil's concubine....or it was just a wacky-ol dream...Hmmmm

  2. I would take it as you unconciously fear your child growing up and leaving the she taking more control of her life recently? Pregnancy dreams can relate to creativity too such an idea you are about to 'give birth to'

    they do not mean death or harm!  

  3. A process or project somewhere in your life

    Responsibility for another person, animal, etc. somehow in your life

    Responsibility for self or for your inner child

    A curiosity about pregnancy

  4. just like the other girl said it normally means death or harm . maybe its to u husband enjoy him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Well usually birth means death and death means birth.

    Also alot of people say that for every death there is a new life created

    hence, a birth.

    Hope that helped a little

  6. i have this dream dictionary and birth usually means death and/or harm. and dreaming of death means life. my husband had a dream that one of his family members had passed away...well a couple of weeks later. we found out we were pregnant. it just turned out to be a great coincidence. hope this should go get a dream dictionary...

  7. it depends on what pregnancy means to you.  Usually it is symbolic of fresh starts and new beginnings or fruitfulness or prosperity.

    your best bet to interpret your dreams is to take all of the details and examine how you feel about them and to compare them to details that are happening in your life.

    You subconcious speaks to you in symbols and while some of the symbols may have universal meanings most of them will be very personal or specific to you.

    People in dreams are usually you. They represent aspects of your own personality.

    I'd guess and say:

    the fortune teller is you wanting to know the future.  The newly married and pregnant step daughter is symbolic of a HUGE change in your life.  And your husband lying face down during the reading is denial of the change/reality--kind of an ostrich with his head in the sand.  How did you feel when you heard about the pregnancy?  Did you feel happy? or something else?

    If you felt happy then your subconcious is telling you things are going to be alright, it's not as bad as you may think.  If you felt sad or worried then you have a decision that you need to make and ignoring it won't make it go away.

    So what's happened in your life that has you so shaken up?

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