
What does drinking water came from ?

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and how did it made from ?




  1. From rivers but it's filtered before use. Drinking water cannot be made out of oceans with salt water..... that water is not drinkable.

  2. anywhere, the mountains or the river. but before it is safe to drink. they would filter the water first.  

  3. Drinking water comes from rain and snow.  Depending on where you live it may be pumped from wells or piped from mountain reservoirs.

  4. It is shipped to earth twice a month from Mars.

  5. Drinking water comes from several sources but the most common in the US are: wells, and surface water (rivers, lakes).

    The water is pumped to the treatment plant

    Chemicals are added to settle out the mud and other sediment.  The water flows very slowly through a large basin to allow time for the 'gunk' to settle to the bottom.

    The clarified water is then filtered.  Water plant filters are comprised of several grades of sand and a thick layer of activated charcoal.

    Finally, the filtered water is disinfected.  This is usually done with chlorine however some plants use high energy ultraviolet light or ozone.  Many municipalities also add flouride to water plus a little bit of stuff to keep the water from getting cloudy.

    Then, the water is pumped out to storage tanks in the distribution system.

    Drinking water can also be made from sea water.  Desalination plants are very expensive to operate, however, and the quality if the final product isn't all that great (at least that's what I've been told).

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