
What does fackie meen in skateboarding?

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What does fackie meen in skateboarding?




  1. fackie isn't even a skateboarding term.

    okay disgusting attitude aside lmao, fakie means riding backwards, but with your regular popping foot on the nose, and your regular flicking foot in the middle of the deck or whereever, not switch.

  2. Definition: Fakie refers to riding a skateboard backwards from the way you would usually ride it. Usually, while skateboarding, the skater's back foot is on or near the tail of the skateboard. This helps to keep balance. When riding Fakie, the skater has his or her feet set up so that whatever foot is usually the back foot is now up near the nose. Riding a skateboard fakie often gets confused with riding a skateboard switch, as they look similar at a glance.

    Though the name "Fakie" might sound like the skateboarder is trying to do something weak, tricks done while riding Fakie are a lot harder for most skateboarders.

    Also Known As: Fakie Stance

    Alternate Spellings: Fakey

    Examples: "After riding up the ramp Josh didn't kickturn, instead he rode down the ramp fakie and kickfliped up onto the funbox."

  3. fakie means when your feet are in your regular stance but you go the other direction for a trick

    nollie mean your feet are on the other side and you go your regular direction

  4. Fakie means riding back wards. Like if you are regular, fakiewould be riding  in the front of your board goofy. It's the same as nollie position but instead of being in your regular position your riding switch and in the front of your board so your regular back foot is on the nose. And fakie doesn't mean that you're faking a trick, fakie makes tricks much harder unless your like me. Who learned to ollie regular but were really goofy, so I can ollie and do tricks switch better than doing them in my regular stance (goofy).  You can email me at if you have any skate questions.

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