
What does globel warming mean?

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why should we go green




  1. Global warming is increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution.

  2. It means a huge new source of taxes for governments.  

    It is an indication of the humans wildly egocentric inflation of ones self.

    It means that humans left to their own imaginations can go wildly off the deep end.  An indication of the NECESSITY of believing in God and observing the biblical teachings.  That Gods word and way is the proper path for ALL humans to follow. That would be God through Jesus.  

    The natural logical goal of the enviros is extermination of a majority of humans.  

  3. According to me, global warming means the increasing of temperature of the earth which can seriously affect our life. As we know, the ice in poles have molten fastly. The sea level has increased also. I believe that in 10 years, the normal day temperature will be increasing double. So now, we have to try to control de usage of energy or power. Thank you.

  4. The average temperature around the world is rising.

  5. Certain Gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) absorb reflected infra-red radiation and trap it within the earths atmosphere. This causes a build up of heat which would normally escape into space.  The build up of heat increases the atmospheric and oceanic temperatures of the earth.  That's the basis of Global Warming.

    We should go green in order to keep our Earth healthy so that we can live here longer.  If not, then we're just going to make Earth unlivable.  

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