
What does he see in her?

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my SO of almost 3 years left me for this ugly girl who thinks she's a model. I was so nice to him and treated him well and helped him pay bills sometimes but then he leaves me for a girl that looks like this, why are men so shallow and after looks only i ahte it




  1. ugh ewww shes sooo ugly and her b***s look like their about to pop any second and she looks S****y idk what he sees in her

  2. If hes going to leave you for that then he just took 3 years of your life and traded it in for a life with that. im sorry.

  3. In order for me to answer you correctly, I think we'd have to see your pic as well.

  4. Either it's her friggin looks or he just really does love her. But what the h**l you should deserve him after all that you've done for him. How can he just leave you in the dirt? Move on and if he comes back crawling to you. Just let him be and he'll learn that he's lost a very special woman!!

  5. Well sad to say that you were his riding donkey instead ?

    sorry to say this but some man does makes us girls a fool now a days, so don't be too sure next time you meet a second guy, be firm don't pay his bills please or anything else until you are sure that you will get married to him.

    Ok be nice to them is not a fault?

  6. its not all men. most men, i will give you that, but not all. its because most men want s*x. especially the ones in there younger ages (around 14 to 24) but once us guys get older we realize looks are nothing. loooks only mean good for s*x but when were older we realize were lonely and only wanna be loved and give love. and that guy may (even though he was dating you) still thought of you as a friend more then a partner. i hope that helps. if u would like to ask me a few q's u can email or messenger me  =D

  7. She look so normal... I hate how people think only tan blondes are hot. I've had modeling training, and she's not wearing model makeup.

    Anyway, that guy sounds like a complete JERK! I suggest you make him want you and not get back together with him. It'd be good revenge, without killing him (which he probably deserves...)

  8. BECAUSE SHE"S EASY!!! he doesnt deserve you!

    he wants a fun-for-now-girl

    you are a fun-for-ever-girl.

    just think, she probably has a bunch of STDs

    bahahah. i hope you feel better! i know how you feel. =[

  9. A lot the same thing he saw in u i am really sorry but i guess he see's a lot of qaulitys and guys love modles amd it might also be her figure

  10. Well, it's not an angry taco he sees.

  11. sorry about it but it sounds like he is a jerk. i think your better off. he might think she will give him want he wants when he wants it. if u know what i mean. men like that aren't good news. i would just move on i know it is hard, but hang in there someday u will meet a guy that will love u for u and will never want to hurt u in any way and will want to take care of all of your needs. i found mine we have been married for two years now and have a one year old.

  12. i am not sure... that girl is not very attractive with her crooked implants.  But since you were paying his bills it seems like you may be a bit of a push over maybe he is looking for a girl with more confidence.  But i am sure you are better without him

  13. haha her b***s there huge prob got implants shes totally fake haha expect them to go nowhere in life

  14. the green eyed monster is creeping up on ya girl!  She is model worhty wether you want to admit it or not.  No I don't like the blonde bimbo type either but have you looked at any mens magazine models lately?  She is exactly what all the horndogs want.  If your SO left you for her, just quit worrying about it and move on.  Concentrate on fidning someone into your personality and not your b***s!  Also men tend to walk on women who treat them nice all the time.  Bust his balls occasionally and he will have more respect for you.

  15. to be honest she looks attractive but also dumb

    after a while he probably will get bored of her and realize he made a huge mistake.

  16. It's good that you left him b/c he was probably just using you anyway. He will use that new girl up just like he did you. He doesn't deserve you

  17. I guess guys really can't resist silicone.

    Very shallow move by the guy, you're probably way better than that girl.

  18. looks

  19. I'm sure your beautiful too, but.. she's very pretty..

    I'm sorry..

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