
What does it mean when.........

by Guest55604  |  earlier

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s*x hurts and it's not your first time or ur first few times ......

could that happen because you're still in your teens years and your partner is older than you??//




  1. it could be that you may not be able to lubricate yourself as well, or need a bit more help to arouse yourself to do so.

    try some lubricant you can buy, or a bit more foreplay instead of rushing into having s*x.

    if neither of them work, then maybe you could consider your body is telling you something is wrong and go check it with a doctor.

  2. it could be that hes just a lot bigger. My boyfriend is big and im small so every time we do it he has to go slow for like the first five minutes because it hurts so bad but after that its ok he just has to get you looser girl! thats all

  3. well first of all watch who you say that to because it can be incriminating.  so someone could get arrested for it.  and second of all i'm not sure why it hurts but usually when your body hurts it is trying to tell you something.  like this isn't right for me or to slow down maybe.

  4. What the h**l does that mean?  You're in your teens and your partner is older than you?  How old is he?  And no.  Age doesn't matter.  Age has nothing to do with size, and size shouldn't matter either because vaginas stretch like you wouldn't believe.  Go see a gyno because there's something wrong.

  5. Some people are simple "smaller" than others. Maybe you should try being in control and seeing if it still hurts. s*x really shouldn't 'hurt' to begin with. So, I'd suggest talking to your gynecologist just to see what he has to say.

    Have a nice day :)  

  6. either his p***s is too big or you are just still tight

  7. too big of a cucumber  

  8. It means either he's too big for you, or you're too small. He could be doing it too rough too. Ask him to be more gentle, then see if it still hurts.

    If you've had s*x a few times though, it really shouldn't still hurt. My guess is he's being too rough.

    Also, try using some lube now and again. Could help?

    = /

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