
What does it take????

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what does it take to be a photographer?? i really want to be one i love taking pictures. but what does it take?? what kind of equipment do you need? Is there a certain camera you need? if there is where do you get it and is it expensive? where do you get your equipment and is that expensive? what are the types of photographers?? Please help me ad answer please!!! THANK YOU!!!




  1. There are several books you borrow from the library on  Photography for beginners.  You will find that there is a lens for certain shots you want to make, and then comes the lighting conditions - and it will get expensive.  Like anything else you would have to shop around for equipment price wise.

    But again go to the library and check out a beginners photography book.  I think you will enjoy this hobby very much. I still am, good luck.

  2. your gonna need a camera. with the way digital is taking over i would suggest buying a DSLR. they can range anywhere from.... $400 - $5,000. you can buy them from camera stores, online stoes, ebay and what not.
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