
What does my dream mean ? ?

by  |  earlier

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i had a dream i was walking through a path , it was surrounded by houses but these houses only had windows . no walls , just windows , the door was windows and everything . than i walked into a room with a whole lot of animals , and all the animals seemed to like me besides the rabbit , it kept biting me over and over and chasing me around the area


im curious what does it mean ?




  1. be careful when you walk down the street, you might run into a wild dog.

    path may represent you walking down the street.

    house with just windows may represent how free and open things are.

    the rabbit may represent the dog.

    so thats how i came to the conclusion.

  2. I'm no dream interpreter, but I have heard that dreams are symbolic manifestations of the subconscious mind.  In other words, thoughts you have when you are awake, are buried in your subconscious, and come out in dreams when you're asleep.  Do you think about windows and animals a lot?  Do you hate rabbits, or have a phobia against them?  Look deep into your mind, and you may have the answer.  

  3. Cool dream, and if I knew you, I'd be able to interpret it.  You know yourself, though, so you should think about what's going on in your life, recently and especially the day before you had the dream.  What have you been thinking about?  I believe dreams tell us more about something we already know on some level.  The rabbit might be someone/something that seems attractive or nice but has some negative side your subconscious wants to remind you of.

  4. you hate rabbits?

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