
What does pork taste like?

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since im a muslim i dont eat it but icant help wonder?its filthy and fatty and eats other animals YUK




  1. I have been a vegetarian in the past and when I began to add a few meats back into my diet I found that pork was very hard to handle. It would make me ill. Turkey and chicken and even beef did not do this. I can eat it now and do occasionally enjoy a pork chop off the grill. You really are not missing much. It all depends on what you were raised with. My family never cooked lamb and I do not either. I guess I don't know enough about how to cook it to try. I don't think I am missing a thing.  

  2. Filthy? Fatty? I'm sorry, but most of the animals we eat are filthy and fatty. And pigs are actually one of the cleaner animals.

    What does it taste like? It's good but I cannot describe it.  

  3. Salty

  4. Taste like chicken with a kick and vise versa

  5. tastes like eating Goat to me

  6. You don't try, you don't know.

    Nobody can give you a best answer, unless you try to taste the pork once.

    One time is enough to tell how the pork taste like....

  7. some truths about pigs

    1 by nature they are clean in habit and do not defaecate where they eat [unlike some humans]

    2 there are lean portions of pork as well as fat portions just as there are lean and obese people

    3 pigs do not naturally eat pigs. humans cannot say the same indeed we have had whole cultures based on cannibalism

    4 in cultures based on cannibalism human meat is refer-ed to as being from "the long pig" inverse thinking reveals that perhaps the real reason some religions ban pork is to keep their practitioners from resorting to cannibalism.

    [personal fact i love the taste, texture,smell of cooked pork products and suggest you come up with a better reason than religion for not trying it.[don't go around hungry- eat something]

  8. It doesn't taste like anything in particular,it can be tough or tender. It depends on how you cook it or what ingredients you add to it. If your using pork to make a Chinese dish it will have that flavor because if the ingredients you add to it.It does have a less sweeter taste than beef. If you are to ground beef up to make hamburger out of it, it has the same taste if you make spaghetti with it.I hope this helps explain your wondering.

  9. Pork depends entirely how it's processed and cooked. Bacon for example tends to be salty and can be cooked "soft" (kinda blubbery really) or crisp. You can buy turkey bacon which consists of no pig whatsoever and it's pretty close. Ham is also pretty salty.

    Pork sausage depends on what is added to the meat before its stuffed. Some is spicy, some mild, some sweet; pork in and of itself is rather "smooth" or even bland.

    Pork chops, ribs, etc all depend on the quality and how it's cooked. If you bbq it, then it tastes sort of like bbq chicken. Lesser quality cuts tend to be fatty and boney but better ones will only have an edge of fat which causes the meat to be tender when cooked.

    Pigs as creatures really aren't as filthy as people tend to think; they only roll in mud and that is to cool themselves off. My sister in law was raised on a pig farm so she verified pigs actually have personality and intelligence. Doesn't mean she felt bad sending them off for slaughter tho lol

    I personally am a bit of a "part time vegeterian", for want of a better word, and when I do eat meat, it's rarely pork. Just never been a fan. So it wasn't an issue when I married my husband, who is Muslim. He is however a big fan of turkey bacon now. :)

  10. you're not missing anything, believe me. it is not even healthy. i don't eat it not because i am not allowed to by religion but because i don't like it.

  11. I'm a muslim too and I've never tasted pork and I don't even care how it tastes like since it eats it own poo !

  12. it is the most savory meat, the food of the gods. but food can not be described. explain what a banana tastes like to someone who has never eaten one

  13. What kind of pork?loin, ribs, steak , They taste different. You'll have to try yourself.

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