
What does "pwned" mean?

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Will you Americans please stop making up words? The language was just fine when we gave it to you. Now look at it!!!




  1. It means "utterly defeated and humiliated".

    It probably started out as a typo of "owned", which means essentially the same thing in American slang -- "pwned" is just a more extreme version.

    And we'll stop making up silly words when you Limeys learn how to pronounce the ones we have properly....that spice you use for Italian cooking?  It's "uh-REH-guh-no", not "o-rey-GAH-no"...and the metal they use to make soda cans is "uh-LOO-mi-num".

    That vegetable that looks like a cucumber?  It's a ZUCCHINI, not a "courgette".

    They're not "Crisps", they're CHIPS.

    And the diced, deep-fried potatoes are not "chips", they're "French Fries" (or, if you must, "pomme frits")...

    As to how "pwnd" is pronounced?  It's up for debate, since it mainly appears in written form.  Some say it's pronounced like "pawned", like the chess piece -- there are pawn shops in the game world of "City of Heroes" where the "A" on the neon signs are burned out.  However, others say it should rhyme with "owned", the word it originated from -- this is how it was pronounced on the "South Park" episode, "Make Love, Not Warcraft"...

  2. pwnd = owned

    as in

    "You just got pwnd *****!"

    I pwned that n00b in smash bros last night."

  3. The Rev was right about the origin of the term, even if he was a bit pissy about it.  

    Perhaps Churchill was right when he said that we are two peoples divided by a common language.

  4. it means "I'm a nerd"

  5. I remember this frustrated the h**l out of me. Apparently, there's this game...World of Warcraft, right? And something about when you kill someone or someone kills you it says "You have been owned / have owned so and so". There was a glitch and it ended up saying "pwned" instead one day. It caught on with all the players eventually.

    So, there you have it. The brilliant minds of America at it again.

  6. It's pronounced PONED.

  7. pwned is short for "power owned", and it's a word used by only the biggest noobs who think saying pwned is more of an insult than the regular tried and true...owned.

    ps youre a noob.

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