
What does the constitution do????

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What does the constitution do????




  1. Lays down a rule of law, a foundation for our society to follow.

  2. It does things that the Bush administration doesn't like and wants to get rid of.  Be careful that they don't dump the whole thing and set up the n**i state they've always wanted.

  3. The Constitution is a poorly written but well spoken document. It is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any major government in the world, and many Nations envy our Constitution because of its freedom, Liberty and Justice.

    They see how well it has nurtured many great generations of fine, loyal Americans like you & me.

  4. It is document, that is very unique, has been set to be the Supreme law of the land. I say it is unique because our form of the Constitution was to seperate checks and balances, to keep the federal government weak, but, to give greater power the people, states, a free market economy, and to promote trade, peace, honest friendship to every nation, and entangle alliances with none, in other words, always remain neutral. For the past 60 years, our government has ignored it, and has violated with bills like Patriot act, FISA, Hr 1955. We need to restore our republic, our rights, and our freedom. Also, no federal reserve or IRS should have been in place, they destroy the econony, and the Founders only wanted gold/silver as legal tenders, no bases overseas, and Congress shall make no law to infringe our rights. If you run for office, make the Constitution obediance as your main platform. Take care.

  5. Protect our Rights.

    The Bush admin is doing away with it though. Eventually it will mean nothing:

  6. Its secure the rights of the people and limits the governments control over the people. The people are actually the government and the politicians should be servants to us.

  7. Nothing anymore. It's always in court for loopholes. There is no longer a foundation of our nation. I hate fools that act like they thought the constitution meant something else.

  8. In theory, it's the law of the land, in practice, nothing.

  9. Are you serious?

    It's the federal law, the rules of the United States. Need I explain more??

  10. The US Constitution is the blueprint for our government.  It establishes how our government is structured, what powers the government has, how it is to operate, and related issues.  It also contains the Bill of Rights that specifically protects certain rights from government intrusion, but is not an all-inclusive list of our natural rights.  

    Understand the Constitution and what it says and most of your questions about politics and government are answered.  The document is rather specific and when you see how the government ignores much of what it says while morons try to say it is OK to do so because it is outdated, you'll understand what the founding fathers were trying to protect us from.

  11. It just sits there in the national archives in Washington DC waiting to be interpreted, reinterpreted and reinterpreted again.

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