
What does this dream mean:?

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Last night I was dreaming that I had a big white scab on the middle of my forehead & I started picking on it and trying to remove it and as i was pulling it off it was attached to a gooey, tiny pearls necklace! The pearl necklance was also attached to a small silver chain, the type that people attach dog tags to. Oh my gosh, it was gross, because the pearls were saturated with slimy see through glob? I pray it does not mean that sickness will be coming to me soon! Help me you gifted ones with dream interpretation.




  1. some dream do have meanings only a few people can interpret  them, don't worry about your unusual dream most times it is good fortune coming your way, get yourself a dream book if your are interested so you can decipher your dreams and put your mind at ease,( Head is  no 12)

  2. Dreams usually have no meaning.

  3. To see pearls in your dream, symbolizes the human soul, inner beauty, purity and chastity

    To see or wear a necklace in your dream, represents unsatisfied desires. It also highlights your intellect and  your desire to have more influence and power over others

    To see or feel slime in your dream, represents your inability to place your trust in somebody

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