
What does this mean? help!?

by  |  earlier

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today my legs have fellt all wobbly. like weak. but not really weak. there just kinda like blah. and when i walk i feel like im floating side to side. and when i sit too. does this mean i am sick? is it bad. i am also extremely emetiphobic.. (terrified of vomiting). my head also feels strange. PLEASE HELP! is it cuz i didnt get to sleep till 4 last night.. but i never sleep anyway. ugh. please help.




  1. You could also call the pharmacist--they know about this kind of stuff.  Did you read the literature that came with the Lexapro?  It might be a common side effect and nothing to worry about.  I'd call the pharmacy that filled the prescription.

  2. You are probably dehydrated and/or exhausted.  Drink small, frequent sips of gatorade or propel, and if you don't like those, plain water will be ok.  Just try to relax today and eat a small meal every two hours.

    Edit:  Side effects of Lexapro include dizziness and fatigue check out for more

  3. It's the Lexapro (I used to take it), the symptoms should go away within a few days, if it doesn't call your doctor so she can adjust the dosage.

  4. you sound exhausted or like you're not getting enough to eat.  

    are you sick to your stomach??

    also, post this in the health section.

  5. means ur going crazy.

  6. If you just started a new medication and are feeling strange, why don't you call your doctor and ask them what they think.

    (By the way, you may get a better answer in a different area than education/ reference: wordplay!)

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