
What does this repeated dream mean?

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All of my life I've had this same dream. The only thing I can remember about most of my childhood is this dream. Its just white ongoing sand. Not a desert or anything, but endless sand. It so full of texture and grainy. It also seems cold. Can anyone interpret this?




  1. Sand can represent a change of attitude/perspective - it could suggest a feeling that you are wasting your time and letting your life get away with you. If the sand is formed into dunes you may have a desire to shelter from the bitter reality of life. The fact that it is cold may mean you are feeling isolated or that you are experiencing soe kind of significant change in your waking life. The repetition of the dream is forcing you pay attention to them - it normally means you need to prepare yourself to make changes in your life and confront any difficulties.

  2. maybe your consious is trying to tell you that you do the same thing every day in and out and you are tired of it and its just a never ending cycle.

  3. Not much to go on- Sand is of course associated with deserts, and is visualized as representing timeless, pristine, clear eternity and boundless mystery. The texture and chill seem impersonal, far greater than your own mere, finite existence appearing in an eyeblink of time.

    Aside from the existential stuff, I'd offer some encouragement here: an uncluttered view of infinity seems to be your territory. Have you considered this may be on another planet? (Think "Dune") The featureless appearance means it could willingly change, like a drawn image on a fresh page of a journal. (hint)

    Accept and welcome these dreams, and be more than a passive observer- see if a wave of your hand, or a move to the horizon changes the character and content: suppose these dreams are a form of invitation?

  4. I have had dreams about sand and beautiful water accompanying it. The feeling I always seemed to get when waking up after this dream was of a sense of the unattainable. It was almost like the heaviness of the sand weighed down my goals.

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