
What does this saying exactly mean?

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keep your friends close but your enemys closer really mean?

like how can you keep your enemys closer then your friends, i dont understand this. can someone give me an example or elaborate for me?




  1. Keep your enemys closer so that you can pretend they are your friend, but then stab em in the back. Or keep them from stabbing you in the back.

  2. If you completely alienate your enemies, you have no idea of their plans, their strengths, their weaknesses etc.  By keeping your enemies close, it gives you an upper hand if you ever need it.

  3. Sun Tzu said: Know your enemy as well as you know yourself. This is basically a way of saying don't turn your back on someone you think may betray you.

  4. Easy, So you can always keep an eye on them.

  5. it means like, keep your friends close because they're you're friends, but pay closer attention to your enimies so you know if they're going to do something

  6. Keeping your friends close because you know they wont talk about you and keeping your enemys closer because you know the will talk about you.


  7. You keep your friends close out of friendship, but you need to more about the business of your enemies and their plans then your friends.

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