
What does this traffic sign mean...?

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In MPLS near the light rail there is a sign with the letter H and there is a red slash through it. Does anyone know what it means?!




  1. No Hospital, or no access to a hospital.

    Where-as the same sign without the red slash means there is a hospital available.

  2. Its a No Hazardous Materials allowed sign.  Many tanker trucks and even regular "van" trailer trucks carry hazardous materials, and in some areas, they are not allowed to take a certain road or tunnel, etc.    You mentioned there is a hospital nearby so this could be a reason why that area does not want a hazardous load to pass through.  In the event of a spill, crash, etc,  it could endanger alot of lives.     The driver of the vehicle with the hazardous load must take another route.  They could be fined if they continued to drive through a no hazmat zone such as the one you speak of.

  3. As an over the road truck driver. that sign means to truckers : that you can't go thru that street or that highway with a load of Hazadous Materials. ( Haz -Mat ) becuase safety reasons. They have to get another way in, around,.. theres something nearby that will disturb the load,. Ie, Gas, Paint, Explosives, Bleach, Acids,.

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