
What does your schedule look like?

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...and what grade are you in?




  1. I'm in the UK but I'm going into year 13. I think that's called 12th grade in America. Well it's the last year!

    I'm taking History, Media and English Lit.

  2. 9th grade .

    mod 1: gym

    mod 2: english 9 [gifted & talented]

    mod 3: engineer & tech concepts

    mod 4/5: algebra 2

    mod 6/7: american government [gifted & talented]

    mod 8/9: biology

    mod 10: lunch

    mod 11: spanish1

    i'm excited for school :)

  3. 8th grade:

    period 1/2- adv LA block

    period 3- adv soc studies

    period 4- geometry

    period 5- intro drama

    period 6- adv physical science

    period 7- teacher's aid

  4. well i have

    German 1





    American History 2


    German, just started, thought i should learn a foreign language, band is fun and great. health isn't really my idea of a fun class, i have already taken it but its mandatory, biology im not huge into im not good at science. english should be great, im awesome at english last year my grade never went below 100%. History isn't too exciting, took the first part in 8th grade and now we study the great depression. and Geometry I'm psyched for. ever since 7th grade i have taken advanced math classes but this year my school changed the math program, you do Algebra 1 in 9th Grade, Geometry 10th grade, and Algebra 2 11th grade. so for the first time i will be in class with my graduating class. but i can move on to Trigonometry in 11th grade since i already completed Algebra 2. plus this year we order our class rings. Sophmore here

  5. I am going to be a high school freshmen, and I don't pick up my schedule till Tuesday because that's when my school has registration

  6. I'm not sure the order yet but:

    Geophysical Science

    AP Algebra

    American History

    English 9

    Computer apps. I


    maybe there isn't ap algebra where you are but thats what it said on my schedule when I got it today, and no, i'm not a r****d i don't need pre algebra

    I'm in 9th grade

  7. I'm a Junior, baby (2010, whoo!).

    First: Music theory

    Second: A.P. Chemistry

    Third: Pre-Cal

    Fourth: A.P. U.S. History

    Fifth: Band

    Sixth: A.P. European History

    Seventh: A.P. English of some sort.


  8. world geography pre-ap

    geometry pre-ap

    government and law


    english 1 pre-ap

    french 2

    biology 1 pre-ap

    concert band


    I don't know the order. I'm a freshman.

  9. I'm going to 7th grade.

    Period 1: Gym (sucks =(

    Period 2: French

    Period 3: Science

    I think it's science before math or the other way around I'm not really sure.

    Period 4: Math

    Period 5: Social S

    Period 6: Language Arts

    Period 7: Creative Launguae

    I hate my schedule because I did a later registration so French and creative writing wasn't even my chose. which sucks but I'll get over it

  10. going into 9th grade

    Dont know the period order yet

    Girls P.E.

    Philharmonic (Music)

    Honors Biology

    Honors geometry

    Honors English

    Latin 1

    Freshmen Seminar (health and a bit of sociology)

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