
What dream did u have?

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can u describe it 4 me plz as fully as u can coz i have 2 write a description of my dream and it has 2 b over 200 words!!

i asked my mum but she had a really boring 1 and i never have dreams!




  1. it was so long ago i can't remember now

  2. Why don't you totally make it up? She'll never know, and it will give you a chance to be really creative (: Be very descriptive and humourous and I'm sure you'll get a good mark.

    All my dreams are really weird. I watch so many horror movies and sci-fi that a lot of people would class them as nightmares - but I don't find them scary.

    They usually involve being chased by something.

    I had a really good one once (I'd been watching Dawn Of The Dead). I was home alone and a load of zombies were everywhere. I had to flee my house and run through the woods behind my garden. I could see the zombies through the trees, and it was creepy because even though they were moving so slowly, I felt like I couldn't escape them. =D x

  3. I had a dream that I was leaning in for a kiss to kiss the guy that I liked. He was paying attetion to his friends or something else and didn't notice I was there intil he felt me breathing on the side of his neck. Then he kiss me back and when we both kissed the leaves blew around us and the wind blew a little.

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