
What drove you?

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To want to meet birth family?




  1. this is my birth family.. ain't it?

  2. It was time, I felt it in my heart, I thought I could handle it no matter which way it went.

    I guess I'm the birth family, but I needed to meet my bdaughter again.

  3. I havent done it but i kind of have an on and off switch where sometimes i do and sometimes i dont. Probably because i dont get on particularly with my mum or dad and i just feel like im in the wrong place, just confusion really

  4. Actually, my friends and my new husband.  I had thought about what it would be like to meet them previously, but somehow I never thought about it being a reality.  I wasn't ready until my mid-30's though.  Now I'm glad I did.

  5. I had been curious all my life.  I always said that I wanted to search.  Watching myself age, seeing my children grow up, and thinking that my bparents were getting quite old and that if I didn't act soon I might never be able to contact them were forceful motivators.  

    However the straw that finally broke the proverbial camel's back was an eye exam.  The doctor began by asking me if there were any history of eye problems in my family.  I told him I just didn't know.  He thought I didn't understand and asked again.  When I still didn't have any medical history, he then moved on to telling me how important my family's medical history was to my medical treatment.  Even though I told him that I full-heartedly agreed with him, but still had no knowledge of my family's medical history, he continued by telling me that it simply did not matter how well I got along or didn't get along with my family their history was my history and I really needed to tell him about it.  I promised myself right then and there that I was never, ever going to go through that again!  Two days later I was making my preparations for putting my search in motion.  I had contact about 2 months later.

  6. being curious and I wanted to hear from my b-mom's own mouth why she chose her druggie lifestyle over me.

  7. I have always wanted to know, from the moment I was told I was adopted.  

    Since my adoption was closed, my adoptive parents could only speculate as to why I was given up; she was too young; she wanted to do what was best; etc. etc.  But I wanted to know the truth and I wanted to know the woman who "loved me so much she wanted to give me a better life than she could".

  8. i was searching for a sense of self. And i found it.

  9. Emptiness in my heart drove me.

  10. my aunt had a son adopted 40 years ago i would love to meet him and see who he is my only uncle he is family he should be with us i hope he had a good life

  11. my friend and his sister are adopted.. they are adults..

    my m8, he said it was out of curiosity. BUT you have to be very careful to not hurt people , thats the tricky bit..

    he asked the 2 people he does count as parents (who brought him up.. ) if they were okay about it.

    look at it this way, although someone else brought u into the world , the adoptive parents probably treated the kids FAR better.

    my friend doesn't think of his adoptive parents as anything than his REAL parents.. and the other woman / guy involved were just the 2 that got him and his sister on this planet.

  12. I haven't met my birth family, but am considering a search.  What drives me is curiosity.  I have three kids and raising them makes it all so clear how much genetics really has a huge influence in who you are.  I grew up believing and being told that there was no difference and it was all about how you were raised.  Now I know how untrue that is and I would like to learn more about who I am .

  13. I was always curious, I always wanted to know who she was and if I had any brothers & sisters out there.  But I guess I finally went through with the search when I could actually afford it.  The agency that handled the adoption charged over $500 to conduct a search for her to get her permission for me to have contact.  That was a HUGE amount of money for an 18 yo kid out of high school & only working part-time!

    Luckily, she agreed.  ;)   And the rest, as they say, is history.

  14. I wanted to meet my birth father b/c the story my birth mother told me never really made sense. When I would ask more specific questions, she always got really defensive. So I found my birth father, and we began emailing back and forth, talked on the phone once. We've now been emailing for 4 years! And the information he gives me makes so much more sense as to what happened. Yet it completely contradicts what my BM told me. I guess that's why she got so defensive when I asked questions, huh?
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