
What electronic device do I need?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have or need a cell phone, but i do need something small a electronic i can keep information in. Specifically I want to put my list of all the books I own in something portable so I know what i own while out shopping, but the list has gotten too big for paper. Is there anything out there I can just put info in? Or can I buy some kind of cell phone to use like that but without using it (or paying for it) as a cell phone? I'm really clueless here and I keep wandering in stores, but I don't even know what to look for. thanks!




  1. Get a Palm Zire or other PDA like it.  

  2. ipod...

    or for something cheaper get a sansa sandisk mp3

  3. I would look into a PDA. I put a link to an inexpensive one.  They are really good for lists and other things.  And you could use it to organize the books into a list.  If you are computer savvy it would be better but hey.  Also, find a small memory card for it if you decide to get one and keep it as a backup of the info for just in case.

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