
What else should I do?

by  |  earlier

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My friend and I went to a bar last night, I was the designated driver, and someone slipped a Valium in her drink. She was pretty drunk by the end of the night. We called the police and told him that someone told her she was drunk and offered to take her home. But my friend told him that I didn't drink and I was taking her home. We gave a description of the guy. Somehow the officer doesn't seem to be taking us seriously because he said that the timing doesn't sound right. The only timing I could give him was that a Men's swimming event was on. The officer said that he'd report it to detectives but he didn't even write anything down. What else should I do? Should I tell the bar? I have a feeling this guy does this quite often and last night he just got unlucky.




  1. You should also tell the bar, I may not be a detective like that guy but I used to be a doorman at a cocktail lounge and now I do casino security.  We never liked people like them in our places and try to keep them out as they give us a bad name and customers don't want to go to places with people like that.  So make sure the bartender, doormen and managers know about the incident and have a description of him.

  2. Hope this helps.

    You should follow this up. Call the department and ask for the officer, if he's not there leave a message. If you didn't get his name, cal the desk and give them the complainant's name and incident location and they can tell you who they dispatched. find out if he warned the bar.

    Ask the officer what became of the complaint. Politely inquire what actions he took and ask him what the detectives told him.

    As a detective in Florida, I can say we would gladly take that information. In so many cases serial rapists and other criminals get caught when little puzzle pieces get put together. A guy matching a certain description, operating a certain location in a certain way, may be the clue or a clue in a major case. For all we know there is a serial killer who contains his victims using a Valium mickey.

    The Son of Sam was caught by researching parking tickets handed out near the crime scenes. A lot of bad guys are caught because of vigilant people or during mundane interactions.

    Unfortunately, not every officer and not every agency values information. They do when something terrible happens and it is later found out they had overlooked something. You did your part as a good citizen and the rest is up to them.

    If the officer tells you the detectives did receive the information let them handle it. If you want to try and do a little detective work yourself and go back and see if he shows again, be careful! Don't talk to him, just call the police while he is still there and point him out. Meet them outside. They may still not be able to put the grab on him right then but at least they can ID him.

    If you don't like any of the answers you can always ask for a supervisor.

    Good luck!
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