
What energy drink should i try?

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Okay so i love energy drinks and i want to try the best ones!

Any special ones i should try?

and why?




  1. 1-Powerade (sports used heaps)

    2-Gatorade (sports used)

    3-Milo  (talk about energy)

    4-Up & Go  (my freind goes crazy when takes this.. )

    5-V (beware of the v's)

    6-Coffee :P

    7-WATER!!! (the best drink)

    8-mother ( it aint look good.. but tastes good maybe/??)

    9-big m, coke, pepsi, fanta (makes people hypo)

    10- SLURPY lol that will give u heaps of energy!!!

  2. XS Energy Drink

    A low-carb, sugar-free blast of energy

  3. I think you should try the best energy drink...Crunk!!! Energy Drink!

    Why? CRUNK!!! is the first energy drink to use natural pomegranate juice. Each can is all natural and refreshing. And it’s designed to deliver mental and physical vitality while supporting the immune system.

    CRUNK!!! Energy Drink embodies the lifestyle of letting loose, feeling free and expressing yourself!

    If you want to know how to get Crunk!!! Energy Drink, check out the Store Locator:

    ...or Online Store…

  4. Red bull

  5. Are you looking for the best results (kick), or the best taste?

    If best results, try 5-Hour Energy. I have yet to try it, but I have heard from a friend, as well as other sources, that it works well. Don't let the small size deceive you!

    For best taste, I personally like Rockstar.

  6. I love the kind HYPE Energy Drink . I work a night shift and i bring 2 or 3 with me and it keeps me going all night.

    Go to Google and type it HYPE Energy Drink and you can order them online.

    It's the best of the best!

    Trust Me

  7. monster heavy metal in the 32 oz. can, it's pretty d**n tasty

  8. Red Bull

    Monster (green one)

    They both kinda taste the same. But all the monster ones will give you alot of energy. They even make different coffee flavors.

  9. red bull, green monster, and rockstar. =)

  10. There is a new one from Thailand called M-150, it is really good.

    Otherwise monster and amp are my favs.

  11. I think they are all pretty disgusting, personally, but my man swears by the Monster drinks.  He says they give him the most pep.

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