
What exactally is a recession?

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how is it different from a depression?




  1. A recession is a decrease of less than 10% in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The decrease must last for more than one consecutive quarter of a year. The GDP is defined as the sum of private spending and government spending on goods, services, labor and investment

  2. The above answers are correct.  A recession is not normally formally acknowledged until a economic review board sits down and decides that we were in a recession, after the fact...

  3. A recession is a time of less business activity, usually lasting at least two quarters of the year or six months while a severe or long recession is referred to as an economic depression. Although the distinction between a recession and a depression is not clearly defined, it is often said that a decline in GDP of more than 10% constitutes a depression.

    Have fun

  4. Think it is 2 straight quarters of economic decline.

    The depression was just a title given to a period of history, don't think it is a proper term like recession.

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