
What exactly does an anesthesiologist do?

by Guest56121  |  earlier

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I am highly interested in the medical field. I am curious as to exactly what an anesthesiologist does...schooling, pay, anything would be appreciated. Also, what do many major in pre-med for anesthesiology?

Is it an enjoyable job? I have heard both positive and negative things from doctors.




  1. Not much really, but sends a huge bill.

  2. Anesthesiologists do several things like intubation, central line placement, administer sedation/anesthesia, place epidurals, & monitor the patient during surgery while maintaining appropriate anesthesia. They are also called to intubate patients with difficult airways and get IV access after the nurse and the med student and the other doctor was unable to do so. I'm in surgery so I've worked closely with a lot of anesthesiologists and, for the most part, they love their job. They do take call but they have a pretty reasonable schedule and they are among the highest paid physicians. There is a down-side though, one of my buddies described it as monotony spiked with sheer moments of terror! But that's any job in medicine really. There is nothing specific that you would have to major in, you just need to get your four-year degree (usually biology or chemistry) and then finish med school and go on to an anesthesiology residency.

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