
What exactly is a hipster?

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And why have hipsters become the latest group targeted for massive online criticism? Googling the word hipster has resulted in a lot online bashing but no real definitions or descriptions. There is even a music video on youtube called "Hipster B****", but, ironically, as one blogger noted, the singer looks like a hipster. What confusion. What is a hipster? Try to be specific.





  1. Oh! I always thought hipsters were a type of trousers! like jeans that sit low on your hips hahaha..  

  2. hipsters are basically young people, ranging in ages 15-28, who define themselves as being part of a subculture that is rather pretentious. they like to be cool by only wearing clothes that are classically not cool at all, and when something becomes cool, they immediatly say its no longer cool. hipsters like to seperate themelves from the masses, but in fact, are part of the masses.

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