
What exactly is bad about LSD?

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From what I've heard the worst that can happen is a bad trip.

If you lock yourself in a room you nothing bad can happen to you right? I need some real reasons not to do LSD.




  1. Try this on for size~

  2. Leads to permanent brain damage, permanent depression,permanent anxiety disorder. = screwed for life

  3.    I'll answer this because I've taken LSD when I was younger and have a Bachelor's in a somewhat related field. It isn't exactly known what damage is or can be done by LSD. That alone should deter anyone. I always described taking LSD as a brief stint of insanity. People will call it "mind expanding" but my experience has shown that people tend to be very very confused by extremely simple concepts and they simply mistake this for deeper meaning or insight.

       I don't mean to sound hypocritical and "reefer madness" on you, but we simply don't understand enough about the brain to fully comprehend what this drug can do. The intensity is something that is difficult to gauge. You mention the worst case scenario, but don't seem to realize how dangerous that worst case could be. Think about people permanently altered by events that don't physically harm them, something like post traumatic stress. A "bad trip" can and has left people permanently altered in a somewhat similar way. I've seen it. Not saying they (or myself) are bad people, just that there were consequences.  

      Ultimately the drug affects serotonin in the brain, but so do a great many things. there are sources that say no brain damage occurs at all.  I've attached a great source below that seems even-handed.

  4. If you get pregnant it can make your kid have 6 arms and stuff. Flashbacks for years. Some acid is cut with rat poison etc. Is suspected to cause Brain damage, mess with your brain.

  5. The problem with LSD is that it causes nerves to connect is ways they shouldn't. For instance if nerve a connects to nerve be which connects to nerve c is normal LSD will cause nerve a to bypass nerve b and go right to nerve c. There are also cases of people going on trips and not coming back to reality.

  6. As well as the things happening below you could beleive you can fly and jump off a building.

    If you locked yourself in room the trip could be so bad that you may die from an anxiety attack (Very unlikely but possible).

    I've seen a guy dive onto the ground and start 'merging with the carpet'. He reported feeling himself 'molecularly disembodying'. That is quite a mind altering substance to make you believe something like that is really happening.

    Who knows what else it could convince you to do?

    Perhaps you could convince yourself eating your own faeces is appropriate?

  7. In my experience, acid is a wonder drug. The best thing to ever happen. OTOH, never take it. My experience is from 40 yrs. ago, and since then, LSD has disappeared. They call anything they can get acid, and you never know what's going to happen. Acid making is a very complicated process, and that takes all the profit out of it. There is no LSD.

  8. Basically long term excitotoxicity. LSD acts as an agonist for serotonin neurons and causes them to fire too rapidly, and this results in some of these nerves dying. Long term problems include cognitive defecits, major memory problems, major mood problems (lots of depression), and anxiety type-disorders. LSD typically gives a lot of mood disturbances. They don't appear immediately, but usually several years down the road for unknown reasons, but they appear quite consistently depending on how many times the drug has been used.

    When I was working in a larger scale substance abuse study, I got to see a fair number of these people. Because nerves don't grow back in these areas of the brain, the psychiatric problems they have are more or less permanent, and don't respond well to medication. Essentially all the hallucinogens that act on serotonin do this, though some tend to hit other areas first. As a class, hallucinogens are ugly drugs that make a lot of mess, and LSD is the worst of the lot.

  9. There is no bad reason. LSD is certainly not made from rat poison, and if there is a trace of it in there, I'm sure it's comparable to the amount that is in cigarettes. There is a lot of propaganda surrounding LSD.

    It's also a myth that it gets stuck to your spinal cord. Flashbacks don't exist. Imaginations do though.

    I say do it. Even if you freak out, it's all in your head, it's not like violent, unless you are already prone to being a violent person.  

  10. There's absolutly jack sh*t wrong with doing LSD its been proven very good for you,

    it helps you concentrate more at work,

    it helps you drive better,

    it prevents heart diease,

    it stops ALL forms of cancer developing,

    and its the safest drug ever developed.


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