
What food should i have?

by  |  earlier

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i am having a few work friend over to see my new house, i have never hosted a party before, (its not really a party). just a few girls having a laugh, what food should i have there.

i was thinking wine and cheese, crackers, but what else,

any ideas please help.




  1. Pizza, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, crisps n dips :) mmmmmm!! xx

  2. Here are a few ideas:



    * 1 (8 ounce) package whipped cream cheese

    * 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas

    * 1/2 cup green onions, chopped

    * 1/4 cup black olives, chopped (optional)

    * 3/4 cup chopped ham slices


    1. Spread whipped cream cheese spread evenly on tortillas. Sprinkle the green onions, black olives and chopped ham slices evenly between all ten of the tortillas. Roll tortillas up jellyroll style. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.

    2. Remove from refrigerator and slice at 3/4 inch intervals. Arrange on tray and serve.

    **You can change it up a bit by adding a layer of baby spinach leaves, or changing the lunch meat (turkey, for example)

    ~~Cheese & Pineapple


    * Cheddar cheese, cut into cubes of approximately ½ an inch

    * Pineapple cubes

    * Toothpicks


    First cut the cheddar cheese into cubes and put one cube onto one toothpick. Then take a cube of fresh or canned pineapple and put it next to the cheese on the toothpick. Cheese and pineapple on picks is quick and easy to prepare and the combination of flavors is absolutely delicious.

    ~~Cucumber Sandwiches


    * Thinly sliced bread

    * Cucumber

    * Butter (at room temperature it makes it easier to spread)

    * Salt if liked


    Firstly butter the sliced bread and cut off the crusts. Now peel a cucumber and slice it very thinly and arrange on one slice of the buttered bread and lightly sprinkle with salt if liked. Then top with another slice of buttered bread and cut the sandwich into four neat dainty triangles.

    It's always a good idea to cover sandwiches until they are needed to prevent them from drying out.

    ~~Cheese Straws


    * 8oz all-purpose flour 2 cups

    * 6oz shredded (grated) cheddar cheese

    * 4oz butter (softened)

    * 2 egg yolks

    * Salt and pepper


    In a bowl mix together the all-purpose flour, the salt and pepper and the shredded cheese now rub in the butter and then add the yolks of two eggs and stir everything together. Then knead until smooth.

    Next on a floured board roll out the dough until its about ¼ inch thick. Now cut into fingers about 3 inches long and ½ an inch wide.

    Place the cheese straws onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for approximately 20 minutes until golden at 350°F (180°C).

  3. Stuffed Eggs (FingerFood)

    8 eggs, hard-boiled

    4-6 sweet gherkins, diced

    1 red onion, minced

    1 to 2 diced egg white

    1 teaspoon turmeric

    1 teaspoon dill

    salt and pepper, to taste

    2 teaspoons paprika

    Hellmans or your favourite mayonnaise

    dijon or your favourite mustard

    3 teaspoons lemon juice

    Slice eggs lengthwise, slipping yolks into a separate bowl.

    You can set aside the egg halves that didn't come out perfectly and dice them for use in the egg salad mix. Add onion, tumeric, dill weed, salt/pepper, about half of the paprika. Use a fork to loosen the egg yolks and blend with other ingredients before adding any moisture. This helps avoid those lumps of unmixed yolk you sometimes find. Add gherkins and juice. Add 1/4 cup mayo and approximately 2 tablespoons mustard to start; mix well. Taste. Adjust moisture to your preference, using mayo, mustard or lemon. Scoop into egg white halves and top with paprika. Chill before serving.

  4. Shrimp cocktail

    Hummus and pita chips

    Grapes are fantastic with wine and cheese

    Something chocolate to round out the goodies and you will have a perfect evening.  Congrats on the new home.

  5. olives, maybe a small tray of raw veggies with some ranch dressing, something sweet too - maybe some little cookies.

  6. These look classy, and could be cut in half as a nibble.

    Sandwiches:- Rolls

    Butter a slice of sandwich bread an place with a corner towards you.

    Place on your filling and roll up.

    Fillings to consider:-

    Asparagus spears with mayonnaise and some fine shred of lettuce.

    Corned beef strips with tomato wedges (seedless and skinned) laid end to end and seasoned.

    Corned beef strips with sweet mustard sauce.

    Seafood sticks, (halved) shredded lettuce and a little tartare dressing.

    Shredded cooked (or smoked) chicken with sweet chilli sauce.

    Shredded Lamb with chow-chow pickles, or piccalilli.

    Strips sausages and tomato sauce.

  7. cheese and crackers are good,but i think you need something a bit more substantial like maybe some cocktail sticks,you know cheese pickle ham etc,some lovely stuffed olives and maybe some tortilla wraps with chicken

  8. well u can decide with ur friends what they like and u and u can all have something to eat

  9. If you live in the UK go to Iceland frozen food shop. There's a great selection of party packs that only need 20 minutes in the oven. Chinese spring rolls and stuff like that. How about pizza

  10. fresh fruit with some kind of fruit dip and chocolate.

  11. You must be very straight forward; the true friend ought to be "friendly", and panic is not the way to invite friends; be very much simple and give them what ever you can arrange easily. They are coming to have a laugh not food. Laugh is itself the food.

    Once again, be simple.


  12. Cucumber sandwiches and plates with crackers, wheat thins, slices of cheese, and pepperoni.  

  13. Mini spring rolls maybe or Nachos.

  14. spag bol -x

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