
What foods contain Iron?

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If I want to increase the level of Iron in my blood, which foods are good to eat that are rich in iron or even contain smaller amounts but are more appetising than for example liver




  1. greens,goat's liver.

  2. Red meat

  3. beef

  4. Red meats are a good source of Iron and Protein. The yolks of eggs and oily fish are also good sources. Various nuts and wholemeal breads are a good source of iron especially if you don't eat animal products.

  5. >>Foods containing iron<<

    Red meat is the richest source of iron. The iron in animal sources is absorbed easily by the body.

    There is also iron in pulses (such as lentils and beans), dried fruit, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, and in fortified breakfast cereals. The iron in these foods is not so easily absorbed by the body.

    Liver is another rich source of iron, but it is also very high in vitamin A. So if you eat liver or liver products such as pâté every week, you might want to choose not to have it more often and you should avoid taking supplements containing vitamin A or fish liver oils (which are high in vitamin A).

    >>Food Serving size Iron supplied<<

    2 thick slices of lean roast beef - 90g - 2.3mg

    3 tablespoons of baked beans - 120g - 1.7mg

    A boiled egg - 50g - 1mg

    Wholemeal bread (1 average slice) - 36g - 1mg

    Sardines canned in oil (average sandwich filling) - 50g - 1.5mg

    An average bowl of fortified breakfast cereal - 45g - 3mg

    4 dried figs - 80g - 3.4mg

    Dark roast turkey meat (average serving) - 120g - 1.7mg

    A tablespoonful of sesame seeds - 12g - 1.2mg

    Spring greens boiled - 90g - 1.3mg

    An average glass of red wine - 125g - 1.1mg

    >>Absorbing iron<<

    It's better not to drink tea or coffee at mealtimes or for half an hour afterwards. This is because tea and coffee contain compounds called polyphenols that might reduce the amount of iron we can absorb from food

    Vitamin C might help us to absorb iron. So, for example, having a glass of orange juice with a meal, or having vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peppers or potatoes (all good sources of vitamin C) we might be able to increase the amount of iron our bodies get from our food.

    >>Meals and snacks<<

    The following suggestions for meals and snacks can help to boost your iron intake. They include foods that are rich in iron and foods that can help your body absorb it.


    --- fortified breakfast cereal, such as wholewheat biscuits with semi-skimmed milk

    --- poached egg, baked beans, grilled tomato, two reduced-fat sausages, wholemeal toast

    --- a glass of orange or grapefruit juice with one of these breakfasts


    --- chicken salad (watercress, grilled lean chicken without the skin, tomatoes, raw grated carrot)

    --- sardines on wholemeal toast

    --- bean salad (chickpeas, red kidney beans, butter beans, onion, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, cucumber, tomato)

    --- pitta bread with houmous, red pepper and celery

    a glass of juice or a smoothie with one of these lunches


    --- beef or vegetable stir-fry

    --- low-fat grilled beefburger in a bun and oven chips

    --- spaghetti bolognese with lamb mince, peas and kidney beans (for a vegetarian option use soya mince and lentils)

    --- a glass of juice with the above or some fruit (fresh, frozen, tinned or dried) to follow


    --- almonds

    --- dried apricots or raisins

    --- small bar of dark chocolate

    --- slice of gingerbread cake

    --- small flapjack

  6. Iron bru

  7. beef and leafy dark green vegetables

  8. Spinach

  9. I've heard that watercress contains all sorts of good nutrients and vitamins and it goes with a lot of things and is easy to eat!

  10. Foods which are a good source of iron include:


    lean red meats, including beef, pork, lamb

    seafood, such as oysters, clams, tuna, salmon, and shrimp, etc.

    beans, including kidney, lima, navy, black, pinto, soy beans, and lentils

    iron fortified whole grains, including cereals, breads, rice, and pasta

    greens, including collard greens, kale, mustard greens, spinach, and turnip greens


    vegetables, including broccoli, swiss chard, asparagus, parsley, watercress, brussel sprouts

    chicken and turkey

    blackstrap molasses


    egg yolks

    dried fruits, such as raisins, prunes, dates and apricots

    As a quick fix, you could try blackstrap molasses tablets. Anaemia is quickly cured and maybe this link will help.

  11. Steak is rich in iron but the rarer the better so if you have to have your steak, extra well done then its not so great.

    Any red meat that you can eat slightly rare will have iron in it, because Iron is found in the blood so therefore bloody meats make sense.

    i think but im not sure that broccoli is fairly good as well.

    and of course guiness but in fairness I dont think that is any more appetising than liver!!

  12. spinach and cress

  13. beetroot, soy, tofu, red meat, weetbix actually.  

  14. wll!!!! tomatoes r rich in iron....spinach, onion..beef....r d oda gd sources f iron...inspite f oll dt..ya cn hab..suppliments lyke in d form f..tabzz r pillzz dt wud defenetly hlp ya increasn iron lvl in ya bdy....

  15. Guiness!!!!

  16. Head on over to Pittsburgh and pick up a few things at the Shop N' Save made by local production workers. You outta' see their biceps man!  

  17. I think cabbage contains iron, and spinach. Also plenty of red meat.

  18. Red meat is the most iron rich food you can eat, with around 2.3mg of iron per 90g of meat. However, iron can also be found in leafy green vegetables, pules and nuts although the iron from these foods aren't absorbed as well by the body, boiled spring greens contain 1.3mg of iron per 90g.

    As well as eating these foods, it is important to make sure you are eating and drinking the correct thing to allow your body to absorb the iron.

    Drinking tea 'or coffee within an hour of eating iron can prevent absorption as tea and coffee contain polyphenols which reduce the bodies ability to absorb iron. It could be beneficial to drink orange juice with your meal you may be able to increase the absorption.

    Hope this is helpful  

  19. red meat and leafy greens, even broccoli

  20. Spinach , Red Meat , fish and eggs

  21. Cereals like Rice Crispies or Frosties    =]  

  22. Spinach and steak.  Steak is a good one, I suffer from anaemia and when I feel low, a nice rare steak always picks me up!

  23. I'll just nip down to the corner shop then and ask for some ostrich and venison then! - They would think I was mad.

    Meat eaters - liver, red meat

    Veggies - Chick peas, beans, bran flakes, watercress (see sources 1,2 below) Source 2 suggests that though spinach is thought (due to Popeye) to be full of iron, in fact it is in a form which is hard to absorb.

  24. honey nut cheerios

  25. greeen food ie spinach like popeye

  26. leafy greens like spinich

  27. Red meat is the best one, however, the problem is that not all red meat is lean so you can boost your iron but mess up your cholesterol levels.  The best to go for is ostrich and venison.  Both are rich in iron and have practically zero fat - so you need to dry fry them fairly quickly and keep an eye on them!!

    They both taste delicious, far nicer than any steak too.  

  28. Spinach is very high in iron, best eaten uncooked as salad leaves rather than cooking it as you loose alot of the vitamins unless you then go on to use the water you cooked it in to put in the gravy.  

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