
What french people think of that?

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what do u think of people from other countries that have french roots?




  1. It shows how the country is alive. It is very moving when 2nd or 3rd generation come to find the hosue or town their ancestors were born, raised etc before moving to another country.

  2. We love them, especially if they want to discover the French culture and the country.

    They are usually welcomed; French people (at least the ones I know) are very very welcoming.

    My father is the town mayor and when people from the US come back because it is the home town of one of their ancestor he is always happy to show them the birth or marriage certificate, maybe some old pictures of the town...And he doesn't speak much English.

    I think they are flattered that somebody made the effort to find their roots.

  3. As far as Canadians from Quebec are concerned we call them our cousins over here.

    My host in Melbourne was of French descent, but so far in the past, nothing French was left in her. Very nice person though.

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