
What games should I get? ( XBOX360)

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here are some of the games that i am interested in.

gears of war, fable 2,prince of persia, left 4 dead, and dead space. many thanks!!

for people who don't understand. i own all three console so don't worry about that. and don't give me other detail on other games. and please don't tell me what games are better.




  1. Gears of War 1 or 2? The first is a alot of fun & the second looks like it's been kicked up a notch so it should be good when it's out. Fable 2, I can't wait for it to come out as it looks amazing. But that Lionhead has alot more bark (or loud meow?) than bight.

    Another game that looks to be good is Star Wars : The Force Unleashed, not sure if you're much of a Star Wars fan but it's got me itching. =)

    Oh, & Saints Row 2.

  2. I had a huge list of must have E3 games but i left them at home... I have ps3 and 360... but if you like fable 2 which will be the best 360 game ever than you would prob like Too Human and some other must haves are Fallout 3, REsident Evil 5, and the new star wars...  

  3. Gears of War is one of the best games ever. When I owned a 360 it was my favorite game I owned. I highly recommend you buying it you'll love it then in November get the second one which is gonna be even better. But make sure you buy, play, and beat the first one so you know what the second one is about. Trust me. Best game ever!  

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