
What gets on your nerves?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering, it's very interesting.

And don't try to make a joke like, "people who ask stupid questions like you, huh, huh"....ur not funny.




  1. Mostly little annoying mannerisms get reeeeally under my skin, more than they do with other's some of my pet peeves...

    People acting huffy to waiters and chashiers

    When you can tell someone is really proud of their own joke

    Rich high school wangstas

    People who have acid and burp and then swallow it

    People whose voices are always in that airy upper register

    Listening to fundamentalists explain their ideas

    ...and many, many more.

    So I'm easily ticked off, whatever. But I'm no hater. I hardly ever actually express my annoyance towards anyone, unless I think they are being really rude. I just seem to notice annoying personal traits left and right.

  2. When your pen stops working but you know there's ink left (happened to me today). lol

    Let's see, I can name a few others..

    Traffic jams

    Humidity + traffic jams

    Having an itch that can't be scratched (in public - lol)

    Guys who wear their pants too low

    Girls that act stupid because they think it's cool or will make them more likeable

    When I'm watching a dvd and it starts skipping

    When I'm clipping my nails and a piece hits my face...ow...

    Oh my, the list could go on for a while. Makes me seem like such a pleasant person, huh? lmao

  3. when i am in stress and under pressure

  4. my sister!

  5. People that continuously cannot find one good thing about life at all and insist upon suicide. Staying alive is hard enough. Killing oneself is easy. Too convenient. The intelligent and wise person finds a way to live. A reason.

    Suicide is the ultimate admission of defeat.

  6. Thinking about the gov.

  7. waiting for other people. making people wait is a form of control.  I hate to wait on others unnecessarily.

    People are so inconsiderate, they only move on their time.

  8. This doesn't make me mad, because I just don't get mad...but it's something that saddens me.

    I work at Taco Bell and I occasionally do drive-through. Here is an actual order.

    'Yeah, I'd like three chili cheese burritos add sour cream, two cheesy gordita-crunches, a chicken quesadilla, and a large diet Pepsi."

    Diet Pepsi is not magical, end of story.

  9. i hate ppl who try too hard to be just isnt funny when u overdo it..and ppl who try hard to prove u wrong and like noo u dont get it??? and annoying ppl too

  10. When people get so angry waiting in the grocery line. I start talking to the people around me and pretty soon we are done. Relax!

  11. people who ask stupid questions like you, huh, huh

  12. the questions I have about life, etc., that remain unanswered...

  13. Thats depends with my humor status

    I consider my humor a nerve-o-metter and when I'm bored or angry with something, a really small thing like a ladybug is enough to stress me so hard.

    And... when I'm fine, I used to have a better control of my emotions and will be necessary more than a single bothering to makes me nerves;

  14. When utensils cling together and make that scratching sound, also when  people scratch a chalkboard

  15. chatty and gabby folks that don't make a bit of sense. Tell me their life story kinds of folks.

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