
What happen to me ??!!??

by  |  earlier

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The other day i went to a party and i got drunk.And there was lesbians there and straight people ~like me~.Away i got a boyfriend and i was mmaking outwith everyone GUYS and GIRLS. I didn't know till everyone told me the next day.When i woke up in the shower with 2 people in it with me.

My Boyfriend wasn't there

So does that mean i Cheated or what and should i tell him

Oh and did i minchen in the shower we were naked





  1. sounds like the main thing you need to do is stop drinking!!  Put yourself in the boyfriends shoes...would you want to know?  Treat people the way you want to be treated.

  2. You don't need help!!!! You ROCK on with your drunk a*s. You are your own marti gras.  You should  start wearing beads, lots lots of beads.  

  3. Well.

    Things like that happen when you drink. I don't really know what to tell you. I wouldn't worry too much because you can use the,"I was drunk" excuse. Just be careful next time. Or, if you are going to drink, bring your boyfriend so you won't risk cheating.  

  4. this is very serious!!!!!!! PLEASE STAY IN CONTROL OF YOURSELF AT ALL TIME OR PEOPLE WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. Your hanging around in the wrong places and the wrong people.  It sounds like someone splipped something in your drink, this is very dangerous!!!! PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!!!!!!!!! FIND NEW FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. You cheated and voilated yourself. Waking up naked in the shower 2 other people possibilty you had a threesome(hope not) tell your boyfriend before he hears from others who twisted up the story saying you did this to every guy in the party. Lay off the excessive drinking and be cool.

  6. I wouldn't worry about the cheating, but rather the fact that you can't remember anything.

    Get tested for STD's and stop going to parties.

  7. If it keeps bothering you and you really feel guilty, tell him. If he decideds to forgive you than move on with a clean slate. However, if he doesn't forgive you, don't blame him and sensibly like an adult accept you were wrong.

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