
What happend during?

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What happend during the civil war with businesses? does anyone have anywebsites etc that I can find out about them ...Thanks :)




  1. Think about it...What big businesses were in operation at that time?  Railroads were the most modern transportation at that time.  There were a major target...All rails leading south were targets for crippling the south.  Cotton was King but it could not be transported to the northern mills and that was the beginning of the end in that business.  After the war the northern mills closed up and business set up shop in the south closer the cotton.  During the war...munition factories sprouted up on both sides.  Any business that  dealt in uniforms or "wheels" did well during that time.

  2. selling weapons, powder and food and clothes to the army was good business.

  3. Just as in any war, some businesses went down the tubes and some made a killing - maily those involved in reconstruction after the war.

  4. why not search it in a library?
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