
What happend with mexico

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they dropped to 32 in the newest fifa rankings and are now OFFICIALLY second in the concacaf behind the US

I go for mexico but i think its time to give my home country its props they are the best in the concacaf




  1. They have been #2 in CONCACAF for about 10 years now.  The last two WCs USA has qualified first. US has beaten Mexico 14 times and Mexico has only beaten US two times in 10 years.  US qualified for Olympics, Mexico didn't.  Mexico will be passed by Canada by the next World Cup.

  2. If you believe in ranking, and this goes out to both Mexicans

    and US fans you are ignorant. Rankings mean nothing whether they say Mexico is in 4th or 157th they mean nothing. Its the

    same ranking that stated that the Argentinian league was

    above the EPL.

    The only reason Mexico is so low is because

    all the teams that participated in Euro08

    moved up. Do you seriously think Spain

    is above Brazil and Argentina? Even Greece superior

    to Mexico? Plus Mexico hasn't play a game since

    June 21 I believe. While other teams have and

    gained points.

  3. the fifa ranking are based off of points-

    each game is worth points-

    depending on the teams ranking is how much points you get for winning- drawing- defeating them-

    when there is a tournament like concacaf or euro the teams in that region normaly get a lot of points fast- due to the fact that they are playing at least 4-7 games in that month.

    when the concaf or sudamerica starts mexico will gain a ton of points back-  and it normaly the ranking wont change untill the change date-

  4. ..and here come the well now this is all the proof yall needed :[

  5. mexico hasnt played for a long time european countries went up because some of them participated in the euro thats why russia is like in 10th place but i think with ericksson mexico will be in the top 10

  6. USA paid FIFA to drop mexico

  7. Already posted this in another question but look at the big picture

  8. Mexico supposedly lost 156 points, I have no idea why we dropped so much, we only lost 1 time this year, and in last years competitions we ended up second and third. Fifa rankings are always wrong, putting some bad countries ahead of good countries but it doesn't matter hopefully Sven will help get Mexico on the right track.

  9. i dont get it if dynamo doesn't like mexico y is he answering questions in the mexican football section?!

  10. its impossible to lose points if you don't play games so thats why i think this is really sketchy. i heard its because they sitched coaches but not sure.

  11. Yup.....The Houston Dynamo and The New England Revolution surprised a lot of people in Mexico by Defeating the Tuzos of Pachuca, and the Equipo Atlante [I think]......The American teams all ways do very well at home against Mexican teams......but almost always lose in Mexico. The fans over there always say it was bad officiating or cheating or whatever, because they can't stand being beaten by ''Gringos''

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