
What happened to Seale Hayne College?

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I know it merged with Plymouth University in 1989 and I think they closed it down in 2005 but are the buildings still in use?




  1. The buildings are currently leased by the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. The future is not yet clear.

    Like many former students I'm sorry it's been lost.

  2. Plymouth University pulled out a few years ago, but I believe that a condition placed on the use of the premises from the original owner was that it should be used for educational purposes only.

    There were some rumours locally, that it was going to be converted into a hotel but because of the restriction, I have heard it is now used as a training college for the Devon and Cornwall police force, although I am not absolutely certain.

  3. Here is some info sites below, seems it was merged, but that may not include all the buildings.

  4. It is now an agricultural college that is part of Plymouth University, but it may be moving to another site soon

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